Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Being minimalistic does not mean....

That I never buy anything.
That my closet consists only of khakis and white t's
That i own 2 pairs of shoes (tennis and dressy)
That my walls are bare
That we don't have cable
That we only drink water and eat raw things
That we sing kum-ba-ya every day
That I don't have wedding rings
That we sleep in sleeping bags
That we camp a lot and cook our food by a real fire
That we never go anywhere
That I don't read Cosmo
That i don't know who the Kardashians are
That everything i eat is organic
That I drive a Prius
That my husband doesn't own a razor
That our furniture is tiny
That I wear clogs
That we take cold showers
That I have home remedies for EVERYTHING
That I don't see a doctor
That I don't wear makeup
That we eat raw food
That I am a hippie
That i only listen to indie music
That my child can only play with homemade toys
That i don't use a bank to store my money
That I never dream of being wealthy
That fashion is no longer my passion
That I use large words and talk way out of my league
That people meet me and KNOW I must be practicing minimalism
That I fast a lot for random reasons
That i drink LOADS of coffee (I Do that, but not b/c i'm minimalistic)
That my life is free from stress and hectic days
That I don't dream of a big vacation
That i don't often treat myself
That my bank account is bursting at the seams with $$$$$$$
That i plan to quit my job and go on a safari

This is MY list. MY list of the most common misconceptions with minimalism and things I have heard FIRSTHAND being said and questions I have actually been asked...

Being minimalistic DOES mean...

That I save money where i can
That i think very hard before I buy anything
That I like to donate items
That I enjoy buying things at second hand shops and yard sales
That my clothing budget is much smaller than the average 27 year old
That my daughter has learned to appreciate "gently used" items
That i do enjoy a cup of coffee at home, instead of going out and paying for it
That indie music is one of my favs simply b/c i LIKE it
That I try to do my best to save for an item I really want
That I have began investing in my retirement
That I DO actually save pennies
That sometimes we camp to get a vacation and not spend as much money
That we DO enjoy quiet nights at home by the fire place or the firepit
That my dreams of "wealth" now do not involve money
That my makeup is not some special name brand
That our furniture was carefully thought out to fit our room and not overwhelm
That the simpler(free and cheaper) things in life we partake in more
That I DO spend more time reading than watching tv (ill explain later)
That sometimes i feel guilty about having so many pairs of shoes
That I enjoy down sizing "stuff"

1 comment:

  1. I love the real minimalist list! Much more reasonable! It really is a completely different mindset that take practice. But I feel being a "minimalist" has taught me to appreciate the little things.

    Happy New Year!

